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Botanical Environmental Mosquito Control

Big Shot Pro Mosquito ControlSafe around gardens, pets and kids – Nontoxic to animals, fish, humans, and plants – Effective against mosquitos larva Biodegradable – Bee and Butterfly friendly.

This product was formulated by a meta-analysis of 20 years of USDA agriculture station research across the US. The product will control and repel mosquitos of all types, ticks and other insects. BIGSHOT PRO is formulated solely using eligible FIFRA 25(b) (GRAS) ingredients and is generally recognized as safe by the EPA, USDA, and the FDA. Active ingredients and inert ingredients in this product are exempted under 25(b) (GRAS) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide act.

Lemon Grass botanical mosquito repellent is the only Essential Oil recommended by the CDC, and they recommend the oil as formulated in insect repellents. First Aid: Avoid contact with eyes, if in eyes, flush with clean water for 15 minutes. If on skin irritation occurs rinse with water. If irritation persists, contact a physician.

Have the product container or label with you when calling or visiting a doctor for treatment. Directions of use: Use in broadcast fogging, apply every 21 days for optimal results at 128oz per acre. For residential mosquito control, spray areas as needed for coverage

Lemongrass, Neem Oil, Glycerin
Lemon Grass botanical mosquito repellent is the only Essential Oil recommended by the CDC, and they recommend the oil as formulated in insect repellents.

This product was formulated by meta-analysis of 20 years of USDA agriculture station research across the US. The product will control and repel mosquitos of all types, ticks and other insects. BIGSHOT PRO is formulated solely using eligible FIFRA 25(b) (GRAS) ingredients and is Generally recognized as safe by the EPA, USDA and the FDA.

Active ingredients and inert ingredients in this product are exempted under 25(b) (GRAS) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and rodenticide act.

SDS Sheet | LabelOrder Now

Directions of use:
• Apply every 21 Days
• Broadcast fogging – 128 oz per acre
• For backyard and facility control (Common pump sprayer-spray areas as needed for coverage)

All ingredients are from organic sources, no synthetic chemicals are used in BIGSHOT PRO.mosquito control

• Effective against mosquito larva
• Nontoxic to animals
• Nontoxic to fish
• Nontoxic to humans
• Nontoxic to plants
• Our botanical organic spray is completely bee and butterfly friendly – not to mention safe around gardens,
pets and kids!
• Biodegradable

Black-headed caterpillars, Moths and moth larvae, Colorado potato beetles, Various boring insects, Mexican bean beetles, Fruit sucking moths, Root weevil adults, Red palm weevil, Corn earworms, Eriophyid mites, Cabbage worms, Mushroom flies, Japanese beetles, Spotted beetles, Blister beetles, Cotton stainers, Spindle bugs , Tomato hornworm, Squash bugs, Gypsy moths, Spider mites, Fungus gnats, Tea mosquito, Leaf webbers, Pulse beetle, Semi loopers, Leafhoppers, Cankerworms, Leaf miners, FleA, beetles, Mealybugs, White grubs, Bollworms, Armyworms, Mosquitoes, Whiteflies, Sandflies, Houseflies, Caterpillar worms (more on leaf-eating worms), Bagworms, Cutworms, Lawn and root grubs, Lace bugs, Fruit flies, Bed bugs, Pod bug, Billbugs, Sawflies, Termites, Locusts, Midges, Aphids – Root Aphid, Hibiscus aphids, and Rose aphids, Beetles, Ants, Gall, Scale insects, Thrips.